The Value of a Managed Print Service Assessment

December 17, 2019
Managed Print Services diagram

Do you know how many pages your company prints? How about the cost of printing a page? Are any of your printers posing a threat to the security of organizational data? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you’re not alone. A recent report found that 67 percent of businesses do not know basic print-related information, highlighting the tendency for print to be the least planned element of an organization’s technology infrastructure. Gaining an understanding of your print environment and its associated costs through a Managed Print Services (MPS) assessment is the first step to developing a strategy to control printing related expenses and ensuring data security. Doceo has a proven track record of helping organizations significantly lower their printing costs, while implementing strategies for long term printer management. An organization that selects Doceo to assess, optimize and manage their printing infrastructure can expect to save 15 to 20 percent over their current print spend, with some organizations realizing savings exceeding 30 percent!


The first step is conducting an assessment to set a baseline for your current print environment. Standard operational information should be collected, like how often each user prints to specific machines and the type of jobs issued such as color or black and white. Information about ink and toner levels should also be collected during the initial stage. This type of usage data helps perform a cost analysis to determine how much printing really costs your business.


By analyzing the assessment results, a vendor will be able to make recommendations for value-added factors that resonate most with business owners, including enhanced productivity, cost savings and improved security. Understanding your outputs, coupled with the expertise of your vendor, allows your company to control user access to printers, improve efficiency, streamline and optimize device usage to achieve quantifiable cost savings.


Print assessments are most effective when administered with the help of a trusted MPS provider like Doceo. We can help you not only conduct the appropriate tests to produce usage data, but will also develop and implement a print strategy that suits your unique business needs. This strategy will help your company leverage a standard office practice like printing. By completing an MPS assessment and implementing recommended MPS strategies, you can expect to achieve increased productivity and security, while enhancing your bottom line.

Contact Doceo today to learn more about how Managed Print Services can take your business to the next level!