Retail Printer vs. Local Dealer

Businesses that need printing services for daily processes often wonder where to find suitable technology and office equipment. Some choose to find general equipment from a retail store. Other businesses like to find a local printer dealer who can find specialized printers to fit their needs. Local dealers offer many benefits over traditional retail printers.

Big Box Retailers vs. Local Printer Dealers: Which Is Better?

It is good practice to compare big-box retail pricing with your local dealers. Decide which equipment or business fits your unique needs. For example, a small business might benefit from a single retail printer for light use. In contrast, a larger customer service business might require more durable and customizable equipment from a local dealer.

Here are some major factors to consider when choosing where to purchase your copiers and printers.

1. Printing and Copying Volume

Consider how much your business prints each week or month to decide whether to choose a retail printer or a local dealer. You might only need a retail printer if you print less than a hundred pages monthly. However, many businesses print upward of 1,000 pages a month, making investing in high-quality printers and copiers from a local dealer essential.

2. Ink Utilization and Cost

Explore how much toner and ink cartridges you use during your business processes. You can also calculate the cost per page depending on your ink utilization. Compare prices between retailer machines and local dealers. Many businesses find buying quality printer equipment from a local dealer cost-effective rather than paying for multiple replacement cartridges every week or month.

3. Product Warranties and Maintenance Agreements

Many products from retail stores offer warranty plans but often require you to replace the equipment completely should it experience a serious issue.

Local dealers may offer a maintenance agreement as part of your purchase. The agreement often includes a warranty, guaranteed quality, consumables like ink and toner, labor and parts. Finding a good deal through local printing equipment ensures you protect your printing investments and use machines that run smoothly.

4. Workflow Customization and Accessories

Finding printers from a local printer dealer allows you to choose customizations and specialized accessories you might not get at a retailer. Many local dealers can offer or recommend accessories like white or clear toner, custom paper drawers, finishing options, workflow customization and cover sheet insertion.

If you buy from a retailer, you’ll likely find standard features that can’t be customized. Working with a local dealer lets you choose what capabilities work best for your company and which specialized features you want to add.

5. Reliability and Durability

Printers from a retailer often need replacing. On the other hand, finding reliable and durable equipment from a local dealer creates longevity for several years. Local dealers also ensure your printers remain up-to-date with the latest technology and parts, meaning you can use them for years. While copiers and printers from retail stores may last a year or so, they are not built to handle repairs, meaning you’ll have to buy a new machine once it breaks down.

6. Network Security

Using equipment from a local dealer offers increased security compared to retailer printers. Many cyber attackers have begun to target print networks, making it essential to find a locked down and secure system at every point.

Retail printers do not offer the same safety and security settings as durable equipment from a local dealer. Local dealers can provide built-in security features like application control to help detect machine access attempts. There might also be directory group policies to manage security and driver settings or firmware attack prevention to detect potential intrusions.

The Benefits of Working With a Local Dealer

From personalized service to advanced expertise and professional workers, local dealers have the knowledge and technology to help you find the best printers. Here are some benefits of choosing a local dealer over a retail store.

1. It Supports the Local Economy

Working with a local dealer is a great way to support the local economy and contribute to community growth. You will benefit from finding great equipment and specialized printers, and the dealers will appreciate the business. Some local dealers even support charities or offer deals to the community, meaning your business will improve the entire local economy with a simple printer purchase.

Supporting your local dealer can also help your business establish a long-lasting relationship with local companies and integral people in the community. Through word-of-mouth, your business may grow as more local companies praise your brand. Purchasing from local dealers shows you care about quality, and your customers can see how much your business cares.

2. You Get Personalized Service

A local dealer offers personalized service to fit your business’s specific needs. Working with professionals and experts allows you to build close relationships with dealers while improving peace of mind about your printing equipment. Dealers can better understand what supplies and equipment best fit your business and find you the correct parts quickly and easily. If you run into an issue, you can talk with a dealer who understands your business needs and equipment parts. The problem can be quickly resolved without worry.

3. Additional Services Are Available

Finding a local dealer means you can enjoy specialized or additional services that retail stores do not offer. For example, some local printer dealers provide billing support, flexible purchasing options, consultations or on-site support.

Billing support offers a high standard of service often not available at retail stores and makes it easier to purchase equipment. Flexible purchasing options and leasing plans help update your equipment while reducing frequent purchases. Consultations are an excellent service for businesses who want recommendations before purchasing and on-site support helps businesses manage their equipment.

4. You Can Find Advanced Expertise

Many local dealers know more about products than most retail workers. You can find advanced expertise and professionals at a local dealer shop. Local dealers prioritize reliable, high-performance products, meaning you will find the best deals and equipment at their stores.

Contact Doceo to Find the Right Copier or Printer for Your Business

Doceo is a family- and employee-owned business that can help you find local copiers and printers to fit your unique needs. Since 2004, our company has provided high-quality imaging equipment to clients, ensuring we assist them with stellar customer service.

We hope to educate the local business community on the importance of using good technology for their printing needs. With strong customer relationships and multiple technology resources offered to various businesses, Doceo can help you find the best copiers and printers for your company. Contact us today to speak to a representative or explore our services online.